Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Potlucks Back In Fashion--a revisit to an old Church Practice brought about by the Great Recession

Recently someone on Twitter posted the followng statement:

"Back from another fun potluck. Apparently potlucks are back in fashion and very popular these days. Been to at least 4 in last 3 months!"

I found this very interesting, because I remember Potlucks going on mostly at Churches back when I was a kid in the 1970s and 1980s.  The idea was that there'd be a huge social gathering.  People would bring a covered dish with some sort of vegetable, side dish, main dish, bread or dessert.  People would sign up by category so there wouldn't be 10 desserts and no main dishes.  And it was luck of the draw as far as what someone brought, or perhaps luck of the Pot!

The word pot-luck appears in 16th century England, in the work of Thomas Nashe, and was there used to mean "food provided for an unexpected or uninvited guest, the luck of the pot". The sense "communal meal, where guests bring their own food", appears to have originated in the late 19th century or early 20th century US, particularly in the Western United States, either by influence from potlatch or possibly by extension of traditional sense of "luck of the pot."  Other variations include "covered dish supper" and "bring a plate."

Potluck dinners are often organized by religious or community groups, since they simplify the meal planning and distribute the costs among the participants. Smaller, more informal get-togethers with distributed food preparation may also be called potlucks. The only traditional rule is that each dish be large enough to be shared among a good portion (but not necessarily all) of the anticipated guests. In some cases each participant agrees ahead of time to bring a single course, and the result is a multi-course meal. Guests may bring in any form of food, ranging from the main course to desserts. In the United States, potlucks are associated with crockpot dishes, casseroles and jello salads.

If any of you have ever read the book Stone Soup as a kid, it also illustrates the notion of a communal or collective meal. 

What is most interesting about this arrangement is that in the past 2 years, during the "Great Recession" as the media has dubbed it, we are seeing more groups outside of houses of worship engaging in potluck dinners, and in many ways, it's also helped build in a stronger sense of community, as well as help families save money on food.  While the US and Canada aren't exactly socialist economies, one could argue this is a form of communal behaviour not exactly unlike socialism.  However, I see it more like the actions of the Amish and the Hutterites--people who share a common community also sharing their food. 

I know that in my extended family, potlucks aren't uncommon at all--especially at funerals and weddings.  Often times rather than catering, each family would bring a dish or two to such an event and it would help make things easier on those in mourning or getting married.  Despite the many hardships that the Great Recession has wrought on US and Canadian society, this type of building of community in houses of worship as well as in secular groups of people is a social good, as well as an economic service we can provide eachother. 

I would like to challenge readers of this blog, friends, friends on FaceBook and Tweeps on Twitter who haven't done one of these types of meals to try to arrange it with a group of your friends or neighbors in your building or block, perhaps over the Memorial Day weekend or on a Sunday evening.  Get to know your neighbors, or maybe invite some elderly people in your buiding or neighborhood and see what other kind of social or economic good this can create.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to my Economics Blog!

Welcome Students and Readers!

I have created this blog in order to provide other media to my students, as well as serve the colleges where I am a Professor.  If you navigate the blog, you will notice that in the sidebar, there are links to recent news of an economic nature, whether global, national, market, firm or consumer related.  Those links change on an ongoing basis, so check back often to find new articles.  There are also the most recent tweets from my ProfHankLewis Twitter account, which is used to post quick reminders and announcements for my current students.

The main articles in the blog will have relevance to current events in Macro- and Micro-economics, as well as my take on different news articles, television shows and current events of an economic nature.  All opinions stated in this blog are my own and do not represent the opinions of Lone Star College, Houston Community College, The University of Phoenix, my students, family or friends.

Thoughtful input or rebuttal is appreciated via comments on each article.  However those comments must be relevant to the subject of the article.  Flames and spam will be deleted.

Last but not least, anytime there are certain vocabulary words that are relevant to business and economics, I am placing them in bold italic in the articles so they can be identified by the student as such.  The reader can look those words up in an online dictionary, textbook or business guide themselves.

Thanks and I wish you all Success in your endeavours!

Prof. Hank Lewis, MS
Associate Professor of Economics
Lone Star College-University Park
Houston Community College System
The University of Phoenix